Data Center Services Technician

Published on: 21/12/2023

Data centers are filled with servers and technology that must be reliable 24/7, 365 days a year. To ensure that that’s possible, they don’t just require electricity and connectivity, data centers also need capable staff. Field technicians are one category of data center professionals.

Everyone has had technicians come to their house to fix the electricity or the heating, but of course a data center technician must have a specific skill set. They have a crucial role in maintaining and ensuring the smooth operation of the data center infrastructure. What is it that they do, exactly? Keep reading to find out.

First of all, there is a distinction to be made between a field technician and a field service engineer. They can perform a lot of the same tasks, but field service engineers also do configuration of the server systems, while a field technician does not. Field service engineers are found more often at companies that still have their own data center and have dedicated people in their IT team. Some external data centers offer managed services and employ them as well. This article will cover the job content of a data center field technician.

What does a data center field technician do?

A data center field technician’s day-to-day work will be in the data center, right where the action takes place. Their tasks are very specific to that environment, but they cover a wide range of responsibilities. Some of their work is plannable, like installations, but some is unpredictable. They need to be flexible and easily adapt to all kinds of circumstances.

A field technician’s main responsibilities include:

  1. Installation: field technicians will install everything that the client needs to get their server equipment up and running, which will often happen in different stages. They will install power and connectivity, cabling to the client’s rack(s), connect the power cables to the right fuses and install cabling between customer rack(s)/rooms and the meet-me rooms. Meet-me rooms are where the client servers are connected to the different carriers. When everything is assembled, they will test the installation, provide touch-ups, and activate racks, access control and camera surveillance.
  2. Room building: servers are not just stacked randomly into an empty room. When there are racks available, new servers can be stacked there, but of course at some point, the available space will run out. That’s why field technicians will also need to be able to transform an empty space into a server room with racks, cold corridors, and all necessary equipment.
  3. Cable management: to keep the data center organised, proper cable management needs to be maintained. Field technicians are responsible for managing and organising cables to prevent issues, and to facilitate easy access for maintenance or repairs.
  4. Troubleshooting: in case of issues and emergencies, field technicians need to identify the cause, resolve problems, and often also communicate with the client about this. Even though in a data center most systems are redundant, meaning there is a back-up system in place, there will always be a sense of urgency involved with troubleshooting, to limit the risk of everything going down at the same time.
  5. Documentation: It is important that field technicians keep an accurate record of installations, troubleshooting, interventions, procedures… so that all documents can be consulted or reviewed if necessary. They will also provide certificates for clients after an installation is finished and approved.
  6. Collaboration with other teams: field technicians will usually work closely with other teams in the organisation, for example the facilities and project teams. They need to communicate well with the other teams and will often work with them or support them in certain projects.
  7. Functionality and cleanliness: field technicians will also be responsible for monitoring the daily functionality, tidiness and cleanliness of the data center.

Of course, every data center might have a slightly different job description, but the above provides a general idea.

What qualities make up a good data center field technician?

When it comes to education, there isn’t one singular program that will teach all the specifics of a data center, so field technicians must be interested in learning on the job. Usually, they will have a background in either electricity, connectivity, mechanics, etc., but on-the-job training is an important part of becoming a well-rounded field technician.

Field technicians will also need to be flexible and stress resistant. As mentioned above, some of the work is plannable, but when it comes to troubleshooting, not every day will be predictable. Not only that, but because a data center must be available for their customers 24/7, field technicians will regularly be on standby day and night.

Another important quality is the ability to work safely and securely. Data centers usually have extensive safety measures and procedures in place to limit the risks for their employees, clients and equipment. Field technicians will need to follow all the right procedures to work safely. Risks include working at height or below a raised floor, working with electrical installations, and so on, so safety is a big priority. Working in a data center can also be physically demanding, for example because of heavy lifting or working in unnatural positions, so physical health needs to be monitored.

In summary: data center field technicians have an extensive skill set. They need a combination of technical and problem-solving skills, while remaining flexible and working efficiently in a dynamic environment. They also need good communication skills, not only to communicate internally with other departments, but also externally towards customers. Field technicians are a vital link in ensuring the reliability and optimal functionality of a data center.

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